Allowing Distributors to Generate License Codes

To allow your product distributors to create license codes, you will need to ship the license code generator to them. However, it needs to be protected against unauthorized use. Using the Distribution Control Program (licgensp.exe), you can lock the license generator to a specific license meter key. Each key has unique identification information written for security.

NOTE   You will need to purchase one license code generator license meter key from Thales for each distributor . If you wish, you can purchase meter keys with license metering options to track the number of licenses generated by your distributor.

Steps of Protecting the License Code Generator For a Distributor


Note that the step of programming the license meter key can only be done once per key. After you program the key, you will not able to return it to its original values or re-program with other encryption values.

  • Double-click licgensp.exe . The Untitled - Sentinel RMS Development Kit Distribution Control Program screen appears.
  • If you have previously saved a session as a profile, and want to use those settings again, select Open in the File menu to select the profile. Otherwise, type the location (path) and the file name in Unprotected license code generator. Instead, you may click Browse to navigate to the location of the existing file.
  • Type the location and the file name of the protected version of the license code generator in the Protected License Generator text box. The Distribution Control Program will create the new file at that location using the name you provided. Instead, you may click Browse to navigate to the desired location of the new file.
  • You can either type your own encryption algorithm values, or accept the random values. Clicking Random will alter the random values. These hexadecimal values will be written in the license meter key to customize it for this version of the protected license code generator.
  • Click Program Key to customize the license meter key.
  • Click Protect to protect the license code generator.
  • To save these settings for future use, select Save or Save As from the File menu.

Shipping the License Code Generator to Your Distributor

Here is what you need to ship to your distributor:

  • A copy of the protected WlscGen or lscgen executable file.
  • If you ship wlscgen.exe, you also need to ship the lmlicgen.usr file, which defines the users of the license code generator and their passwords. You can use WlscGen to define the users and passwords in lmlicgen.usr before sending it to your distributor.
  • A license meter key that has been customized by the Distribution Control program for the version of the protected license code generator you are also sending to your distributor.
  • Instructions on using the license code generator are contained in the WlscGen Help file (Wlscgen.chm). Make sure to ship that along with your license generator.